∞ May 2020

∞∞∞V.A. Time Deconstruction∞∞∞
✶⫷⫸✶❂UT N❂W✶⫷⫸✶
⫸V.A. Time Deconstruction⫷
►Available in Physical & Digital format

►Orders for physical CDs at:
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►Digital Download at:
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►major and more digital stores

∞ May 2020

∞∞∞V.A. Time Deconstruction∞∞∞
███▓▒░Pre-Order NOW░▒▓███
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Hard copies ready to be delivered
►Distributing worldwide
►10€ +Shipping

∞ April 2020

As we announced we had a bunch of new projects additions to our crew, the last but not least addition of this bunch is Allu.
A collaboration project between our Co-Founder Daoine Sidhe / Dendrobates and the very talented composer Thos Grol.
Their debut track "Cosmic Now" completes the tracklist of V.A. Time Deconstruction.

∞ March 2020

♫ After the addition to our crew of Biophotons & Leso Psy Music,
is time for a warm welcoming to Mr Nick Noitrik.
As we have been working together already some time, the official engagement became naturally.